Ask the Expert with Dr. Ava Cadell - Guest Emmi Fortin an Author, Speaker, Relationship & Breakup Coach
May 09, 2024
Meet Emmi Fortin, Breakup & Relationship Coach, Global Author & Public Speaker. Emmi knows a thing or two about how to heal from heartbreak and shares her own journey to healing.
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As a Breakup & Relationship Coach, 2x international best-selling and award-winning author, leadership consultant, and public speaker, she loves talking about breakups, situationships, and relationships of all kinds.
Emmi works one-on-one to help in the following situations:
- You are GOING THROUGH A BREAKUP right now or have just experienced one.
- You have NOT YET LET GO of a relationship(s) from the PAST.
- You are in an on and off relationship, or a “SITUATIONSHIP”, that is uncertain. You find DATING tiring and confusing.
- You have had addictive or CODEPENDENT behavioral PATTERNS in your relationships.
- You are currently in a relationship, but the CONNECTION IS GONE or your NEEDS ARE NOT BEING MET, and it is damaging to you.
- You may be surprised to find out that your situation is NOT YOUR FAULT.
- You have been doing the best you can on any given day with the skills and strategies that you have acquired so far in life.
Emmi says, “The top problem I see is that people do not realize, or they minimize, the impact that devastating breakups and relationship stress have on their psychological well-being and on their body at the physiological level.”
Phrases that are perpetuated such as,
- “Oh, it’s just a breakup, you’ll get over it!” or
- “You need to get under a new person to get over the last one” and
- “Stop being so crazy and just move on.”
All play into the idea that getting over an ex or traumatic emotional stress “should” be something people can get over themselves, and that there’s something “wrong” with them if they can’t.
People are expected by employers, families, and friends to go about their lives as healthy, adjusted individuals after relationship trauma when really, they have the potential to be experiencing actual chemical changes in the brain mimicking powerful drug addictions.
"People of all ages are suffering from emotional trauma that, if not processed consistently and/or effectively, has the potential to impact that person’s ability to form and maintain healthy, sustainable relationships of all kinds for the rest of their lives."
~ Emmi
Emmi Fortin can help you to tackle:
The 3 Problems Leaving You Stuck and Consumed by Your Breakup [What to Do About Them]
Book Your Free Strategy Session (Worth $500)
Where she can solve:
#1 Why you don’t yet have the exact mindset needed to recover: so you can let go of negative emotions like feeling sad, angry, and lonely without needing years of therapy
#2 Why repeating past behavioral patterns is keeping you stuck: so you can understand how to make better relationship choices and avoid dating disasters in the future
# 3 Why your fears and insecurities are running the show: so you can truly forgive, accept, and move on without any regrets or resentment.
All of Emmi Fortin’s books are available at
1. The Breakup & Divorce Self-Renewal Journal: Explore Your Path to Clarity, Confidence, and Peace as You Heal, Rebuild, and Move On.
2. The Dating & Relationship Self-Clarity Journal: Explore Your Path to Inspiration and Joy as You Navigate Dating & Relationships.
3. The Love Being You Guided Journal: 365 Prompts to Reflect, Grow, and Elevate in 12 Areas of Your Life.
4. Be Confident & Happy Self-Leadership Journal: Reflection Exercises to Help You Get Out of Your Own Way and Shine.
5. Who Is Your Red Dress?: One Woman's Quest to Break Up with a Love Addiction